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Introducing Sputnik

White meets black PX today at Minimo...looking pretty in the sunshine....

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    Hi David. Enjoying the ride. Apart from finding second on the way down from third and avoiding too far to neutral, my biggest auto mistake is to get off the bike without putting it into neutral and releasing what was the left brake.

    Congrats. Sputnik is a great name. I gather it putt-putts along in a thick Russian-Italian accent. Are you still finding that when you brake you are actually hauling in the clutch?

    Thanks guys but guess who will get the most fun out of one of us is working..puttputt....I will be the weekend PXer.....:)  it is a lot of fun


    Well done Julie- it's hard not to smile when riding a PX in the middle of winter when the sun is shining.


    Our new member of the family arrived today...yes a PX200 and we have named him SPUTNIK.  Lots of fun riding around the block then a deviation up to visit Claudio at Minimo... got the thumbs up after Claudio took off for a spin..... hmmmm Greg will no doubt empty the tank during the week having fun learning to master a geared vespa....but I got to ride it to

    Thanks Matt, sorry you have had to part with it but we are very happy to have him join our swarm.

    Cheers Julie

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