"Hi Leo, you will find information on the Club Permit scheme under the "Membership" drop down button on the grey bar near the top of our website on the home page. On a computer you will see that button straight away. On a smart phone click on the…"
"Great weather coming up for our Anzac Holiday long weekend event. Ride up details have been posted on the event page for those who like a led ride on back roads. Accommodation is still available in Wangaratta so it's not too late to jump onboard.…"
"Hi Mark. Well done on this event. We've been talking about a Vespa Boot Sale for around 3 years and you've finally made it happen. Also a location that provides other kinds of attractions too. Penty of notice to gather to gather together our bibs…"
"A huge thank you to all 22 intrepid riders who braved the grey drizzly conditions for the “Classic Blue Smoke Ride.” I was staggered and delighted at how many attendees actually showed up, some coming from as far as Bendigo and Ballarat. For a…"
David, the VA email sent today (15/7) is a do not reply email address! So cannot reply, directly to the email! I cannot ride this Saturday (20/7) Regards, Roy
I have the gear up kit fitted for approx. 10 months now and has made a vast improvement to engine temp and at 3400 rpm the speedo reads 80 km. it appears to me that the gearing has not effected power when climbing hills. Good luck on the Grampians trip. you may be aware that we have moved to Echuca to live, so if you are passing through on one of your escapades you are welcome to spend the night with us cheers keith
Hi David I can give some initial feed back on the up grades as I only finished the modifications last week end and road tested it for about 20km. I decided to go with the Malossi primary gear up kit (23/64 tooth)as I was splitting the case to port and polish the crankcase for the 177 cylinder kit. Intake was also matched and polished while apart I replace all the bearings and seals and put in a Muzzucchelli crank. As I am running in the engine on a 3% mix and taking it easy I have no idea of the top speed. Will need to work on the jetting once I have run it in as it is running rich (160 BE3 and 140 main) At this stage I am happy with the result as at 2850 rpm speed is 60km. The power is great off the line due to the 177 kit and the gearing up grade appears to be successful. The other benefit I have noticed that the gearbox is quitter on deceleration due to the straight cut gears on primary. I purchased all the parts from SIP the gear upgrade cost $183 (20230000) Will keep you posted on the long term results. If all goes well will be attending the west side ride on Sunday.
Yes it has been a while since I was out with the club and life has got in the way of that. We live in the great town of Kingston on weekends making the weekend rides difficult. We are also planning to spend more time up there and in preparation for that we have sold our house and are moving to West Melbourne.
The new 150yo house does not have off street parking and is only a 20 minute walk to work. Enrico was destined for a life under a bike cover crowding out the side path and it is not what he was built for. Pams need was a great solution.
I still have my PX and LX up in Kingston. I plan to get across to the Bendigo breakfasts with the PX in the New Year. I also want to take her on the Walhalla ride in 2017
You have inspired me to take the slower path and tour on a 2 stroke so I will give that a go. Wallis will get a new clutch in the New Year and a carrier (thinking of putting that on the front to better balance the weight). Hopefully I can get a few years out of her.
She may end up sharing the Kingston garage with a Morrie ute but that discussion is for another day.
hi David
I have the gear up kit fitted for approx. 10 months now and has made a vast improvement to engine temp and at 3400 rpm the speedo reads 80 km. it appears to me that the gearing has not effected power when climbing hills. Good luck on the Grampians trip. you may be aware that we have moved to Echuca to live, so if you are passing through on one of your escapades you are welcome to spend the night with us cheers keith
Hi David I can give some initial feed back on the up grades as I only finished the modifications last week end and road tested it for about 20km. I decided to go with the Malossi primary gear up kit (23/64 tooth)as I was splitting the case to port and polish the crankcase for the 177 cylinder kit. Intake was also matched and polished while apart I replace all the bearings and seals and put in a Muzzucchelli crank. As I am running in the engine on a 3% mix and taking it easy I have no idea of the top speed. Will need to work on the jetting once I have run it in as it is running rich (160 BE3 and 140 main) At this stage I am happy with the result as at 2850 rpm speed is 60km. The power is great off the line due to the 177 kit and the gearing up grade appears to be successful. The other benefit I have noticed that the gearbox is quitter on deceleration due to the straight cut gears on primary. I purchased all the parts from SIP the gear upgrade cost $183 (20230000) Will keep you posted on the long term results. If all goes well will be attending the west side ride on Sunday.
Hadn't thought about it David - but will now...
The ride has changed to SUNDAY 29th
All other details remain the same
Yes it has been a while since I was out with the club and life has got in the way of that. We live in the great town of Kingston on weekends making the weekend rides difficult. We are also planning to spend more time up there and in preparation for that we have sold our house and are moving to West Melbourne.
The new 150yo house does not have off street parking and is only a 20 minute walk to work. Enrico was destined for a life under a bike cover crowding out the side path and it is not what he was built for. Pams need was a great solution.
I still have my PX and LX up in Kingston. I plan to get across to the Bendigo breakfasts with the PX in the New Year. I also want to take her on the Walhalla ride in 2017
You have inspired me to take the slower path and tour on a 2 stroke so I will give that a go. Wallis will get a new clutch in the New Year and a carrier (thinking of putting that on the front to better balance the weight). Hopefully I can get a few years out of her.
She may end up sharing the Kingston garage with a Morrie ute but that discussion is for another day.
No problems David I'll throw up a post on Facebook!