• Mar 9, 2025 from 11:00am to 1:00pm
  • Location: Carlton
  • Latest Activity: Mar 9
This ride heads off at 11.00 am shortly after the club’s monthly breakfast at Vincent The Dog in Carlton.

This short funky slow ride will amble along quiet inner suburban back streets and laneways. We aim to keep well away from busy traffic. Sydney has “The Rocks” but Melbourne has Carlton and Fitzroy North. How lucky are we that so much is still in tact. There are splendid rows of terraced houses as well as simple wooden workers’ cottages incongruously situated on wide boulevards. These provide some intriguing streetscapes to admire. We might even pose our collection of gleaming Vespas here and there for a photo or two. 

Get into the spirit of this event by pretending that you are riding the back streets of a small Italian town and in no particular hurry to visit your favourite Nonna. Don’t question whether David has lost his mind, just chill out and savour that special feeling of riding a Vespa. Enjoy enjoying la dolce vita while practicing your slow riding, cornering and U-turn skills. 
Our destination is just 4.75 kms as the crow flies and only 6.3 kms by shortest google route. But somehow David manages to turn this distance into a crazy 28 km route that looks like a fractal diagram. This ride is not about the destination, its in the journey. After the delights of Carlton, we’ll spent fifteen minutes of confusion meandering in the cul de sac entrapment of Clifton Hill before discovering an escape route out. We then plunge into the industrial grunge of Abbotsford and finally encounter some grand mansions in Hawthorn of the rich and famously richer, you know… the ones with the towers and cast iron gates. Then its time for lunch. 

Lunch (optional)
Pack a picnic lunch to have in an inner city pocket park by the Yarra where we can discuss how wonderful it is to be alive. Afterwards if you are up for a cold drink at a nearby pub, then we can chat for a bit longer.
Departure Point and Time
Vincent the Dog - 384 Drummond Street, Carlton Location Map
Come along to the club’s monthly breakfast beforehand starting from 8:30 am.
Our ride will depart after breakfast at 11.00 am

Book yourself into the club’s breakfast meet at this link:

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