The second Sunday of every month is Melbourne's regular get together. We are trying out a new venue so please see the location details.
Park St Cafe (Carlton North just off Nicholdon St) are very excited to be hosting this breakfast for members and Leonie will be your Club host to say hello to.
Meet up as always for a hearty breakfast and Vespa conversation from 8.30 - 10.30.
This is an opportunity for regulars to catchup up and also allows any new interested Vespa riders to join in. Everyone is welcome.
If you are riding a Vespa and looking for a great and active club to join please come along to the breakfast and introduce yourself.
Location map Park St Cafe
Looks like there was a nice turnout for the breakfast this morning, albeit cold and a bit wet. Looking foward to catching up with everyone now we are home...:)
Can't make this one, going Up The Creek ,,,
Leonie will be hosting this breakfast meet so please come along and say hi and also let us know what you think of this new venue! The owner is very excited to have the VCoM at his cafe. Check out the location so you know exactly where to go on the morning. It is quite easy to find and plenty of parking, just watch out for our other 2 wheeled road users as you cross the bike path.