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On the way to Daylesford

On the way to Daylesford

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    It's always nice to see people getting away on their scooters for a few days. You are obviously enjoying yours. I haven't been on that road before but your pictures have certainly enticed me to do it. Although Ironbark Road becomes dirt, it does go all the way through to Ballan. Along the way the road passes under is a fantastic high steel girder railway bridge which you used to get a glimpse of from the old Western Highway. The road then parallels part of the railway line called Ingliston Bank. In the days of steam they often had to add an extra loco at Bacchus Marsh to haul trains up this 10 mile 1 in 48 gradient onto the higher plateau of Ballarat. In fact Australia's most powerful steam locomotive called 'Heavy Harry' was specifically built in 1941 to perform this task on the Adelaide Express without the need of another engine. Thanks for your pictures. Best wishes, David


    Oooh... I forgot to answer your question, David. I stayed at Hepburn from Monday to Friday. I was able to travel and do a bit of work down there. So, despite just a short break, it was long overdue.


    David you did very well! I suspect quite a lot more happened between "I popped onto a map" and "bingo". ;-) Well spotted!

    The navigational app I was using actually gave me a bum steer and sent me up Ironbark Rd which, not long after, became a dirt road. I had to turn and come back but I saw some great views as a result. I actually thought I was being taken up Glenmore Rd which is a little further south. I ended up going back through Bacchus Marsh and over the other side of the Western Freeway. I really need to map the route as I I'm not exactly sure what the route after that was.

    I should add though, that the shots of you and your VB (I think it is) at far away places has very much been an inspiration for me. I think I've mentioned before how much I admire you scoot and kit, David. :-)


    Some would say obsessive Greg. Oh well, have to keep yourself busy otherwise you'll rot away.


    David... that is amazing searching. Won't be getting lost in Bali


    Great travel shots Dave. Makes me want to ride again. Were you spending the night somewhere? When I see scenes like this I'm curious to know where they are so I popped onto a map and bingo, not far out from the back of Bacchus Marsh on the McCormack and Ironbark Roads. There was even a Google street view of the spot, can you imagine that? Looks like a great ride. Best wishes, David.


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