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A early taste of spring

Pearl at the flower farm

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    Nancy I will have a bucket full of these gorgeous bulbs.....what a terrible shame to loose such a picturesque place...You are lucky to have captured such a splendid memory...


    Beautiful pic Nancy, better get that shovel out, shame its going to be bulldozed.

    They just started digging up the flower farm today. The surveyors where there. It's going to be houses. They are going to dig all those bulbs under. I will defineately need to go and save some of them for the environment.
    Torquay just 2 minutes from our home. it smells so sweet. I love to smell the flowers. Need to take shovel and bucket and dig dig dig. Lol

    I can just smell them now and ARRRRRCHOOOOOO for those hay fever just sensational where is it Nancy...

    Free flowers for all
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