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20. Mornington

20. Mornington

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    Hmm first glance and I am thinking Jonah the Wale.....




    Yeah it has that 2001 Space Odysey - David Bowie - ground control to Major Tom - Tangerine Dream - Can - Hawkwind - Space Ritual - Dark Side of the Moon - futuristic 70s thing - too much of this and too much of that --

    But also a little bit 30s bauhaus - hmmmm... a little bit art deco --- something to found built by the dutch in a little corner of Java - or perhaps still surviving not bombed ex weimar republic somewhere in Germany...


    Or perhaps it's just a bad bit of architecture in Mornington Australia. Or pehaps it's great on that corner.

    Who designed and why? I like it.


    A thought... what happens on the second and third storey of that building - who knows about it? And why?


    Looks like we're about to be swallowed by Darth Vadar

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