Photos Page for Members 

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18. snot block stop

18. snot block stop

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    Let me think....

    Snot block'

    Fingers covered in custard

    Handis inside gloves

    Heated hand grips


    Did you get your gloves off when you got home D?


    LOL yes it was fate I didn't come today..I had a lovely day with my great day all round.....isnt life grand....thanks for putting up with ride Dennis hope it encourages more members to do the same after all the club is all about its members, great rides and wonderful friendships......


    Haha...if you only knew... he had a great day out with you guys ...


    Sorry Dennis - we need a club snot block ride now


    LOL how delicious does this vanilla slice look....i would have had one with you Dennis this is my fave cake....hang the waist line..:)


    I reserve my right to object to your photos and ask for them to be removed - you know the rules!


    Ok - gimme the payback D

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