• Aug 18, 2024 from 10:00am to 3:30pm
  • Location: Yan Yean Eltham Nutfield
  • Latest Activity: Aug 18, 2024

A great ride to the city edge on what promises to be a beautiful sunny day. Starting in the city we'll ride out through Heidelberg to Eltham and Diamond Creek, and then through the beautiful roads around Arthur's creek and Nutfield. We'll then shoot across to Yan Yean Reservoir for a photo  and lunch on the hill overlooking the reservoir. On a sunny day it's a great place to be.  If rain threatens then we're close to home. We'll have you back in the city by 2.30 PM. We've built in enough greenery so that it feels more like a country ride than the city.

Bring some nice food for lunch. Pack a blanket to sit on. Thermos for coffee. This ride is suitable for all rider experience and all model Vespa. 


Meet in Abbotsford at Dr Morse Cafe in Johnston St, Abbotsford for coffee. Park under the railway bridge (Victoria Park Station) MAP

Depart at 10.00 AM






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