Ticket sales are closed for this event.
The next Vespa World Days is confirmed for 15th-18th June 2023 at Interlaken, Switzerland.
If you are looking at possible accom, the exact location of the Vespa Village will be Jungfraupark, Interlaken. Reserve your accommodation now as it is already booking out fast and prices will get even more expensive than they are now. Vespa hire is very scarce so you might look at hiring from a neighbouring country and riding across. One member has already put together a tour, if you want further information get in touch with Julie.
Vespa World Days is an international club event, so you have to be a member of the Vespa Club of Australia to attend. https://vwd2023.ch/
Ticket sales for this event are closed.
We have 27 VCoA members attending this event which is amazing. I hope your planning is going well and look forward to meeting up in Interlaken.
Attendees have been invited to the private VCoA Suisse 2023 facebook page to share planning details, and will be a place for any updates while at the event. VCoA Suisse 2023
Tonight we have now entered all the pre-registrations into the VWD Registration portal and waiting for confirmation. Getting pretty excited as there are 22 VCoA members attending which is the largest number yet. It's going to be so much fun.
I will be setting up a private Facebook Group shortly.
Announcement: Vespa World Days Suisse 15-18 June 2023- Australian ticketing.
Members: we are now collecting pre-registrations for this event and if you are definitely wanting to go then we need your payment no later than 15 January. Full ticket cost is AU$250. Go to this link for all information and advance payment. https://vcoa.com.au/vespa-world-days-2023/
We expect the World Club portal to open to us shortly after that and we will upload all Australian applications in one block then.
You have to be a financial member of the Vespa Club of Australia.
You should understand that once we upload and pay for your ticket there is NO refund available from Vespa Club Suisse. So you have to be sure.
The latest update about this event is that the Organisers are still waiting on the VWC President and Secretary to visit the VWD site in Interlaken which is supposed to happen on 2 Dec then they will report back to Piaggio at the General meeting on 13 Dec. After this an email should go out to all VWC Presidents with the official information including ticketing prices. Currently the expected pricing in AUD is Light tickets will be approx. $158 and Full Tickets will be approx $316 not including exchange fees.
Once we get this email, we will be able to open the pre-registration and payment link but I am not expecting this to occur until end January unfortunately.
If you are still thinking of attending however, I suggest you contact vespa dealers in Switzerland either Bern or Zurich for vespa hire now and book accommodation, if you haven't already.
I think at this stage, we have approximately 15 looking forward to attending.