Whether you're trucking, trailering, riding, driving, flying, or training up - we wish all our members safe travelling, and we'll see you all there!







Yes, it's amazing that the club has filled a truck with 40 Vespa to Australian Vespa Days in March 2025.

If you have missed out, or decided late that you want to transport your bike to the event. here is some important information following further discussions with Jeremy at Bikes Only.

1. Bikes Only can still facilitate transporting your Vespa, but not as part of the Club 40-bike truck deal.

2. Our understanding is that they would require some flexibility in the time to ship your bike. You would need to leave your bike at that Thomastown depot up to 2 weeks prior to the event. During that time Bikes Only will transport your Vespa to it's Brisbane depot at Underwood. Bikes Only will then transport your bike to Nambour for the event, and then later return it to Melbourne by the reverse process.

3. Our understanding is that the return price would be $550, (still a great price) but you would need to call and make your own particular arrangements.

4. Contact Jeremy at Bikes Only on 1300 735 468

Ask for the Thomastown Office, and say that you are from the Vespa Club of Melbourne, and set up the arrangement.



Click the image to ticket12741176488?profile=RESIZE_400x

The club has arranged a bulk transport deal through Bikes Only, a professional company that specialises in transporting motorcycles. It's an excellent deal and the club has also subsidized the price because we want to encourage your attendance. A 40 x Vespa truck will travel to Nambour and then return to Melbourne. Each scooter will have its own tie down point. Your Vespa will travel in a fully enclosed vehicle and is covered by insurance.

Key Dates

- Deadline for Payment and to reserve your place. Friday 7th March

- Drop off / Load up in Melbourne Thomastown: Saturday 22 March 2025 between 9 AM and 2 PM. The company’s Melbourne depot in Thomastown. Bikes Only. 2/4 Inglewood Drive, Thomastown <Map> You then fly or drive or train or Car Pool to the Sunshine Coast.

- Delivery and pick Up in Nambour: Thursday 27 March in Nambour Midday. Be at the designated truck arrival point (TBA) when your Vespa is unloaded. There's no secure storage. This means you can then ride off and register for the Australian Vespa Days event on Thursday evening and participate in all of Friday’s, Saturday's, and Sunday morning's events and ride-outs.

- Load up in Nambour: Sunday 30 March 2025 in Nambour between 2 and 4 PM.  Be at the truck departure point (TBA) to put your bike back on board.

- Delivery and pick up in Melbourne: From Wednesday 2nd April in Thomastown. From this day you can collect your Vespa from the Melbourne depot in Thomastown where it will be stored securely. Bikes Only. 2/4 Inglewood Drive, Thomastown  <Map>

The round trip will cost you only $440. This is way cheaper than fuel costs if you were to transport your scooter there by van or trailer, and way under what you would normally pay for interstate motorcycle transport in both directions, or one direction for that matter.

The Vespa you register with your payment must be the one you present for transport.

Click the image to ticket12741176488?profile=RESIZE_400x



You have to fit within and work around these group arrangements. We can't re-negoatiate arrangements to suit individuals. 

The truck will only take 40 Vespa so that's a cap. Once you commit and pay for your round trip, we can't refund.

One Member = One Vespa We've booked a 40 x Vespa truck to travel to Nambour and then return to Melbourne. 

The trip and the price is strictly BOTH WAYS (or No Way). The deal is for a round trip to Nambour and back on the dates we have agreed. Bikes Only will not consider one-way travel in either direction at these prices, and it's not a door to door service.  Based upon the number of Vespa in Thomastown on Saturday morning, Bikes Only may reconfigure to smaller truck(s). The club subsidizes this trip in both directions, so if you are a 'no show' in either direction the club loses money, and the company will have misallocated its largest truck. 

Due to the number of bikes transported and limited space, Bikes Only advises that there's limited space for standalone bags/boxes alongside the bikes. Helmets and gear should be securely attached to the bike in the footwell, under the seat, or in top boxes. We'll provide further advice on preparing your bike for transport as the date gets nearer. For example, keys must travel with the bike. Pack a spare key when you fly up.

Now that your Vespa is taken care of, there are no excuses not to go to this amazing bi-annual rally. So start thinking about how you will get yourself to the Sunshine Coast. 

Of course this amazing deal is only for our financial members of good standing. The benefit is not available to new 'just joined' members.

Thanks to David Atkinson for initiating and negotiating this deal.


Click the image to ticket





 Bikes Only Advice Prep Checklist

  • Ensure the bike is roll-able and tyres are inflated
  • A key is preferred to travel with the bike, leave in the ignition or secured on the bike with zip tie
  • Disable the alarm system or in travel mode for bikes with FOBS
  • Make sure there is easy access to the bike for pickup/delivery
  • Fuel, oil etc. do not need to be removed - but it must not leak fluid. Fuel taps are 'off'.
  • The bike must be clean and tidy for an accurate assessment of its general condition
  • We don't recommend sending personal belongings with your bike (Panniers, Top Boxes and Gear Sacks are ok but not covered by our insurance), so remove these if necessary.



Sunshine Coast Airport (Maroochydore) to Nambour.

If you're flying to the event then we recommend that flying in directly to the Sunshine Coast Airport is the better option.

Qantas, Jetstar, and Virgin regularly service the airport.

Arriving at Sunshine Coast Airport

Airport Bus 622 to Maroochydore Station. (20 mins)

From Maroochydore Bus 610 Platform 2 (across the road) 35 mins to Nambour. Route 610

Taxi. Nambour is only 17 kms from the Sunshine Coast Airport, so a Taxi is a reasonable option straight from there. Sunshine Coast Cabs

AirTrain. Airport to Brisbane. Every 15 minutes. The station is right outside the terminal. Very fast to all stations in the city: Eagle Junction, Bowen Hills, Fortitude Valley, Central, and Roma St.  You can pre-book online: https://www.airtrain.com.au/

Train / Bus:  Brisbane to Nambour (Sunshine Coast line). Regular trains leave from Roma Street, Central Station Fortitude Valley, Bowen Hills, Eagle Junction. There is sometimes a quick change to bus at Caboolture. Prepare your trip online: https://translink.com.au/


To connect and travel straight through by Train from Eagle Junction (not staying overnight in Brisbane) and allowing 2 hours: AirTrain from Brisbane airport to Eagle Junction Station ( two stops, 11 mins). Catch the Nambour train (Sunshine Coast line) from Platform 4. The trains run regularly every 15 minutes and it's probably the quickest option. There may sometimes be a quick change to bus at Caboolture.

To connect and travel straight through by Bus from Bowen Hills (not staying overnight in Brisbane) and allowing 2 hours. Air Train from Brisbane Airport to Bowen Hills Station (five stops 16 mins). Bus from Abbotsford Rd terminal outside the station direct to Nambour.

To connect and travel straight through by Train from Fortitude Valley (not staying overnight in Brisbane) and allowing 2 hours: AirTrain from Brisbane airport to Fortitude Valley ( six stops, 20 mins). Catch the Nambour train (Sunshine Coast line) from Platform 4. The trains run regularly.

Click the image to ticket



Early Accommodation Advice

The AVD event 'hub' will be at the Nambour Showgrounds. The Gala Dinner event will take place in Maroochydore.

Camping. There will be powered camping available at the Nambour showground site. Booking as part of the ticketing process.

Accom within Nambour will fill quickly. The distance between Nambour and Maroochydore / Mooloolaba is very short. If you have your own transport (Vespa) then there are hundreds of options between Nambour and Maroochydore Mooloolaba.

If you don't have transport we recommend you arrange accommodation close to the 610 or 612 Bus routes





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    AVD Sunshine Coast - Please don't forget to pack your club leg shield banner. We want the club to have abig presence at the event. We'll have some spares at the event if you don't own one.

    Or you can qyickly purchase from our merch page: https://vespaclubmelbourne.com.au/pages/merchandise



    Hi Paul. Most of the force appears to be Brisbane and south to the north of NSW.


    I hope Nambour and surrounding areas get through the next few days OK. 

  • Hi Ross

    confirming that there is no room on the main truck. All 40 places have been booked for some time now.

    #Ross stephens



    Hi Julie

    I have been in regular contact with Bikes Now but with the cyclone they are not on phones at the moment. When I spoke to them a few days ago, they were going to check if there was any late availability on the main truck. Otherwise, they will need my Vespa one day next week.

    Can you confirm that all spots on the main truck are taken? At one stage there was talk of maybe a further group of Vespas, but it seems I might be the only extra one outside the main group.

    kind regards


  • Final Advice to the 40 members booked on this truck


    1. PICK UP in Melbourne

    Date: Saturday 22 March. 9.00 AM – 2.00 PM

    The depot is only staffed between these times.

    Place: Thomastown Depot, 2/4 Inglewood Drive, Thomastown <Google Map>

    Mobile: 1300 735 468 ask for the relevant office.

    See notes below regarding preparing your bike for transport.


    1. DROP OFF in Nambour

    Date: Thursday 27 March. ‘Midday’

    Place: Nambour Showgrounds – Location (10) on the attached VCoM Showgrounds Map.

    With permission of the Showgrounds management. We need to do this quickly and efficiently to clear the roadway, so all the help you can give will be appreciated.


    1. PICK UP in Nambour

    Date: Sunday 30 March. 2.00 PM – 4.00 PM

    Same Place: Nambour Showgrounds – Location (10) on the attached VCoM Showgrounds Map.

    Once again, we need to do this quickly and efficiently.


    1. DROP OFF AND COLLECTION in Melbourne.

    Date: Bikes will arrive back at Thomastown Depot during the week and are available for Collection on Saturday 5th April. 10.00 AM – 3.00 PM.

    Place: Thomastown Depot, 2/4 Inglewood Drive, Thomastown <Google Map>

    The depot is only staffed between these times. If you want to arrange collection on the following Mon – Wed you’ll need to call and make an appointment.

    Mobile: 1300 735 468 ask for the relevant office.


    Advice Prep Checklist from Bikes Only

    • Ensure the Vespa is roll-able (not locked – in neutral) and tyres are inflated. Your bike will be loaded and unloaded by Bikes Only staff.
    • A key is required so that your bike can be started in an emergency. Leave your spare key in the ignition. Modern FOBS will be zip-tied to your headset.
    • Disable any alarm system you may have.
    • Fuel, oil etc. do not need to be removed - but it must not leak fluid. Fuel taps on 2 stroke vespa are 'off'.
    • The bike must be clean and tidy for an accurate assessment by Bikes Only of its general condition for insurance purposes before loading.
    • Only your bike is covered by insurance. Your personal belongings are not. We don't recommend sending personal belongings with your bike. Top Boxes and gear sacks are ok but not covered by our insurance.
    • If you do decide to pack your bike with personal belongings, remember that there are thousands of movements and bumps ahead – anything not secure risks damage at your own risk. Do not hang a helmet from the seat hook. Items inside a top box should be packed down to minimize movement.


    See you on the 22nd !




     Woo hoo I knew it would fill up. 🛵

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