• Nov 3, 2024 from 9:30am to 3:30pm
  • Location: The Albion Hotel, Kynton
  • Latest Activity: Nov 2, 2024

A simple run via some beautiful back roads up to historical Kyneton for lunch. Kyneton is a well preserved town about 90 kms from Melbourne, (and half way to Bendigo) so this is a VCoM 'day ride' and we'll have you back in Melbourne by 3.30 PM. Julie has just returned and ready to ride. This ride is designed to be suitable for all types of Vespa and rider experience.

Meeting: Assembly Ground Cafe, 104 Fletcher St, Essendon (Map: Right on the big Essendon roundabout

Departure is at 9.30 am. AF1QipPH1VeOku1msYQ9vWEg7F1egYFMzPdjQin-_Gu6=s680-w680-h510?profile=RESIZE_400x

You'll need to arrive by 9.00 am if you want a coffee before we head off, or earlier if you are thinking of breakfast. (The cafe opens from 7 AM). Go easy here though, as we'll be stopping for coffee along the way, and lunch will be early at around noon. 

We'll wind our way out of Melbourne past the airport and up through the beautiful roads around Kerrie. We'll stop by the road at the Kaffe Plot caravan for (organic) coffee under the trees. It's a great little operation. And it's easy to spend time here.


We'll then weave around the back of Hanging Rock. Of course, we'll stop for a picture or two.


Arriving at Kyneton at around 12 noon. After a quick tour around we'll settle at the magnificent Albion Hotel for lunch. The Hotel is better than the usual 'pub grub' with a good food selection. They've given us the table in the beer garden, so we really need your firm RSVP to confirm the booking. Here's the MENU





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