• Feb 15, 2025 from 10:00am to 3:00pm
  • Location: 17 Gwynne Street Cremorne
  • Latest Activity: on Monday

IMPORTANT NEWS for those putting their vespas on the AVD Truck in particular!

You need a spare key!

This event is especially designed for members attending Australian Vespa Days on the Sunshine Coast, and those booked into the VCoM truck transport. The transporter Bikes Only requires that your bike travels with its key (left in the ignition) so that your bike can be started if an emergency arises during transport. (Note for new bikes with Fobs: After your bike is loaded on the truck, Bikes Only will zip-tie your fob to your bike.)

You need a spare key anyway. (What would you do if you lost your key in QLD without a spare?)

We wouldn't recommend that you leave your only key in the bike, in case it's lost or damaged during transport. And if you have a modern Vespa, we don't recommend you risking the brown programming key on the transport.

So the club has organized this cutting event for you. Member Wes Branchflower (aka Vespa keys) will set up shop at the venue. He has the equipment to read the chip code in your key, and cut a replica for you. (PX keys are easey peasey - no code reading required.)

Venue: Car Park, 17 Gwynne Street, Cremorne >MAP<


The cost is $60 per key - and the payment needs to be cash or PayID in advance.

Of course, you can also go to another keycutter service. But you'll find the price more than double this rate.

There will be coffee/tea and water plus Vice President Stephen Clarke will put on a BBQ so you will be able to eat and relax while waiting for Wes to do his magic. 

You need to mark your attendance as 'Going' / book your place under this event. (Please don't use the option "Interested".  You need to be definite.)

Don't miss this opportunity and please let anyone else you know who is attending AVD about this one day event.


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    Wes Branchflower Thanks, Wes; I'll also get that sorted if you have time on the day.


    Yes Leo, I can cut a spare top box key or change the top box lock to match ignition key IF the key is the same type (some top boxes have a different type of lock to the ignition)


    Hey Wes, are you able to cut a spare for the top box as well or change the top box lock to use the same key as  the Vespa ignition key? Cheers. 


    Answer: Bikes with FOBS.

    After your bike is loaded on the truck, Bikes Only will zip-tie your fob to your bike.

    That's what they do with the newer Harleys.


    Do we need to bring the brown key on the day , 15th Feb,so Wes can easily decode and copied it to the new spare key?.


    I read through the manual and can't find anything on a transport mode. Will do some more research!!


    Advice from Bikes Only for vehicles with fobs.

    "Disable the alarm system or in travel mode for bikes with FOBS."

    Does that make any sense?


    At this time, I am unable to do the fob system duplicates. I'm working on it, but will not be likely before our trip to Vespa Days QLD 


    Can Wes copy the 2023 + keyless systems or do we need to get a copy made else where?

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