• Oct 19, 2025 from 9:30am to 3:00pm
  • Location: Royal Exhibition Buildings
  • Latest Activity: Mar 15

NOTE:  The Club has been invited to attend this event again in October.  We will be given further information closer to the date.  Below is last years information as a guide only.


This is an important public event for the Club, and all members are invited to be part of it.  

We need 20+ scooters for display at the event. Oh, and the Italian community just loves an old classic bike, so get yours out. Present your Vespa and bring a club leg-shield banner if you have one.

The Festa is organized by our old friend Eddie Rinaldo, who has personally invited the Club to attend and display again. Our presence on the event grounds is covered by the club's Public Liability Insurance.

It's a two day event, and we are invited to a display space on the Sunday at the Royal Ehibition Buildings.

We have to arrive all together and bump in as one group at 10.45 AM. Venue security won't allow in any later entrants.

You must only ride your Vespa at walking pace on the grounds, and follow the direction of venue security

Meet from 9.30 am at Vespa House Corner Johnston & Palmer Collingwood. MAP

Depart at 10.30 AM sharp for Carlton: one big convoy.  Arrive and bump in at 10.45 AM

Our display area is confirmed. The entry gate will be confirmed as either Rathdowne of Nicholson Street prior to Sunday.

  • Vouchers will be distributed on arrival with compliments and thanks of the event organizers.  

What a great day out! 

You'll meet many people too - so many conversations to be had about Vespa!

Read all about the event here:   https://www.melbourneitalianfesta.com.au




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