Our first breakfast of the year - a good time to catch up for a chat
Everyone welcome - CHANGE OF VENUE due to festival of Sails and Cadel Evans Bike race
Geelong forshore area will have restricted access.
Industire 26 (forerly Pako Raw) has a great breakfast menu and easy Vespa parking!
Hi Geelong members
Melbourne crew are looking forward to catching up with you all tomorrow.
Don't forget there will be some road block obstacles, so please plan ahead so you make it to the destination in Pako.
Cheers Julie
The race starts at 11:10 and heads out of town. We could be alright at The Edge for 09:30. Otherwise Pako might be a better idea?
Hmmm, change of venue you think? Pako?
Hey Tufan, it so happens that 28 Jan includes Festival of Sails at the yacht club and the Cadel Evans bike ride! It may be difficult to get around the waterfront??