Here's the ride on Motowhere.

8485173498?profile=original Last year's ride:

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    ok - BP - station street (wherever that is!) ha see you there


    Good to have you on board David,


    Hi Greg, I'll join Noelene and wait for you all at the BP service station crn Canterbury Rd and Station St. When we see you coming down the hill we can push the pedestrian button to stop you all, jump on our scoots and be away. According to BOM, the chance of rain tomorrow has decreased from 80% to 50%. Fair odds. I'll have to fill up at Launching Place but I think everyone else does too. May go all the way to Moe with you but we'll see. Looking forward to it, Tarrango Dave.

  • Hi all, hope all of you riding have a safe ride.

    I have let our good friend Michael from Cychaul know the details of the ride. Hopefully his services will not be required.

    Have fun, be safe and take lots of pics... cheers Anne


    David is coming on the ride as far as Powelltown (?) and then going back. Great to ride with you again David.

    aka "Tarrango Dave"


    Hi to all. I"m in for the ride. Can I meet you guys cnr. canterbury rd. & station st. Box Hill. There is a big BP petrol station on the left. You will find me there. What time will I be there? Chow Noelene

    Hi Noelene

    We sould be shooting past there at about 8.45 am - give or take a traffic light. See you there.



    Alternative route home from Moe - no freeway ride. Thank you David for doing this for us!



    Hi Noelene. Tried to PM you via the site but cannot connect.

    As a Club we do welcome new riders to join a ride and that's why we organise regular breakfasts and short events like the 'Gelati Ride' that you attended.

    The Walhalla Ride coming up is an exciting ride, but it's really only a ride organised for our financial members. I really hope you don't think I am being rude by saying it, but we are a fee - based club and we do things like organise these major rides for our members. So unfortunately you really can't attend.

    If you'd like to talk about this then you can email the club address:

    and I will respond.




    Hi to all. I"m in for the ride. Can I meet you guys cnr. canterbury rd. & station st. Box Hill. There is a big BP petrol station on the left. You will find me there. What time will I be there? Chow Noelene




    Yes - no nudie runs to the shared bathrooms please! : O

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