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"This is good coffee"

"This is good coffee"

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    Wow - looks good Ross. Looks well worth a visit. I send you my mobile no.


    sorry speel.  


    Yeah that's what I had in mind too. I am on the Genovese site as we speak. LOL. 

    Will have to do it on a Saturday. I will call up a few to see if they could give us a short sepal and a 5 minute tour of their roasting facilities. Maybe a few iconic brands and a few new smaller brands as well.  


    A coffee ride.... we could pick out maybe 5 places who claim to make the best coffee, ride to them all and sample and rate them.. 


    I will do some research on a caffeine ride - stoping off at some of Melbourne's iconic and newer hipster coffee roasters.

    Can also plan another trip for cannoli as well, only problem is the store is small. Only has 3 tables and parking our front is limited. Will have a chat with the ladies next time I'm in there to see what options we have; could maybe park out back.


    Shall we make it an event?

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