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I finally sold my old 150 in 1979 when I moved to Hobart. I still ride but no longer on a Vespa and now belong to the Ulysses Club. I must say I have good memories of the Melbourne Vespa Club Sunday rides and the occasional camp. I was a rower with Hawthorn Rowing Club and often rode to regattas as far away as Yarrawonga and Mildura. My riding companion from the rowing club on those rides rode a Lambretta. On those trips we would ride with the throttle wide open all the time which gave us a speed of 50mph (80 kph) - a bit slower up steep hills - which may not seem very fast these days. It was a time when all scooter riders gave each other a wave when we passed each other in the street. There was at least one other scooter club in Melbourne at the time, who rode a rich assortment of scooters. On occasions the Vespa Club would have joint functions with them.

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