• Mar 2, 2025 from 12:00pm to 3:00pm
  • Location: Hesse/Hobson Street, Queenscliff
  • Latest Activity: Feb 27

The weather is looking perfect for a ride on Sunday

Meeting at the intersection of Hesse and Hobson Streets, Queenscliff and grab a coffee or light lunch before heading off through Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads, Bremlea, Torquay and on to Anglesea. This is a chance to follow the back roads to the start of the Great Ocean Road

Open to all VCoM members who want to breathe in the clear clean air, relax, and just enjoy a social ride

Please note riders will nominate their lead and tail as I will be unable to attend

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    Please note I am unable to attend this one, but I'm sure it will be fun. As a club event riders are covered by all the usual club benefits including Public Liability Insurance - ride well, ride safe


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