This will be weekend away ride

Starting out at a Geelong kick off location (The Edge - details to be confirmed) following the Great Ocean Road down to Port Campbell and returning on Sunday

We are considering an option for those who are interested to leave on Friday 16th May

The event will suit riders who have some experience

We will ride as a group and enjoy stops and sights along the way

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    Thanks Kris - we may need to revise the date!



    Note. The Apollo Bay MArathon is on this weekend, and The Great Ocean Road will be closed between the hours of 7:00am – 2:30pm Sunday May 18.  Check out HERE    for details

    The Great Ocean Road will be closed between the hours of 7:00am – 2:30pm.

    We recommend competitors wishing to depart Apollo Bay by car after their event to head South along the Great Ocean Road through Marengo, Lavers Hill,...or wait until 2:30pm for the Great Ocean Road to re-open.

    Please note, we do not recommend heading North along the Great Ocean Rd after 7:00am / before 2:30pm to join the vehicle escort queue to the inland detour route as you will experience extensive waiting periods in traffic.

    Road Closures - Great Ocean Road Running Festival
    SUNDAY ROAD CLOSURES The Great Ocean Road will be completely closed between Lorne and Skenes Creek (traffic will be under escort between Skenes Creek…
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