• Feb 5, 2025 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
  • Location: Biancolatte gelateria cannoleria - 17 Ballarat St, Yarraville VIC 3013
  • Latest Activity: on Wednesday

Hosted by Roy 

I'm pretty excited by this very traditional gelateria in the heart of Yarraville and rated 4.8, where there are plently of places to eat beforehand, if you wish. It's just around the corner where we finish the 'Round the Bay ride. 

Ride yourself to Yarraville for deliciousnes in a transformed urban setting and enjoy gelato and sorbetto (vegan) and some limited soy flavours and the usual chatter about all things Vespa. It's at these low key gatherings where new members can really learn much - everything form service your own scooter to who are the mechanics in your area and lived experience about gear, gloves and rides.

If you're riding from the south and eastern 'burbs, please consider using Footscray Rd or Dynon Rd.

Not bad !!     surprised      See you there! 

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    Sounds like a plan :)

    See you all at 7pm


    Hey, I'll be there at 7pm and can check out places to eat upon arrival and then have a gelato, keeping it casual !! Nice weather 


    Hi Vesparians :) 

    If anyone is having dinner prior to gelati meeting on Wed 3rd Feb, I'd be happy to join you :)
    See you Wednesday evening


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