• Apr 20, 2025 from 8:30am to 5:00pm
  • Location: Marysville and Local Surrounds via the Black Spur. Side visit to Stephenson Falls and Keppel Lookout
  • Latest Activity: on Wednesday

This aims to be a fantastic Autumn day ride to Marysville and local surrounds

Highlights include:

*Riding through the stunning Mountain Ash forests and tree ferns lining the Black Spur from Healsville to Marysville

*Brief stop at the Dom Dom Saddle Picnic Area at the top of the Black Spur on our way to Marysville

*Marsville township and surrounds which shows off plenty of trees with autumn colours. A real treat!

*The Magnificent Stephenson Falls, the second highest falls in Victoria, close to the Marysville township

*Keppel Lookout, which is "one of the region's most impressive lookouts, providing spectacular views across Marsyville, the Cathedfral Range State Park and the Acheron Valley".  

Meet up points:

*For riders coming from down south: BP Service Station, Cnr Beach St and Nepean Highway, Frankston. Depart 8.30 am

*For riders coming from Melbourne city and the Eastern Suburbs, there will be a whole group meet up in Healsville in Green St, Healsville where the public toilet block is located, at 10.30 am

Lunch location will be in Marysville - several options available.

Experience level: riders will need to be confident to cover approx 280 km if leaving from the BP Service station in Frankston. This ride will include winding roads over the Black Spur from Healsville to Marysville. It will also include a 6 km ride to Keppel Lookout on a firm dirt road suitable for cars and scooters. Riders can opt to stay in Marysville township for this section if not confident


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    Hi Anthony, we will have to make sure we introduce ourselves on the day. Cheers 


    Kevin at the Marysville bakery is a great fan of vespa and would like to eventually own one of his own. Kevin would be thrilled to see you on the day. 🛵👍

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