Sorry, international sales are closed.
These items are our over-supply for the event, Australian Vespa Days 2023. So the stocks are very limited to one item per purchase.
The prices include postage to Australia via regular Australia Post. International World Club friends, please select the international post options.
All proceeds from these sales go toward funding the next Australian Vespa Days SE Queensland in 2025.

1. 3 Badge Set - AUD$35 Australian post, AUD$55 International post
These items were included in the Registration Kit at Australian Vespa Days. The set includes the sticker, excellent quality lazer cut patch, and the beautiful cast metal cog leg-shield badge. Available at the event for $30, and here for $35 to cover post.
2. Full Reg Pack - AUD$40 Australian post, AUD$60 International post.
This is the exact pack given out to registrants at the event. These are the over-run on our collation working bee and were packed and sealed on the same day. They include the thr